Dane Cook to Replace Jon Cryer in Disney’s ‘Planes’

When Disney announced its animated film Planesa spin-off sequel to the hit franchise Cars, Jon Cryer was originally tapped to lend his voice to the role of Dusty. Now, sources have announced that Dane Cook will replace Cryer in the role.

Klay Hall, the film’s director, said:

Dane Cook brings unmatched charisma and brilliant comedic timing and instincts to the character. He gives Dusty a great edge.

Dusty is the main character in Disney’s film, and he dreams of competing as an air racer. Unfortunately, he has a debilitating fear of heights that might prevent him from achieving his dream.

While Disney had originally planned to release the film as a direct-to-DVD sequel, fans who are anticipating the release will now be able to catch it in theaters August 9.


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